A Warm regards from The Digital Spartans Team.
We’ve started thedigitalspartans.com to share our blogging journey and to help other bloggers to make their blogging journey more manageable. All of our content is free for everyone. That means you don’t have to pay me any penny to read our posts.
However, we make some money from affiliate programs. Over the years, we’ve affiliated with many products and services owners. We promote their products/services on our blog. We only promote those products/services that I am using or have used. Some of them we haven’t used but investigated.
So, there are some affiliate links on our blog. If you click on those links and make a purchase, we’ll earn a commission at no extra cost to you. We don’t take anything (like free products, services, cash, etc.) for mentioning them on our blog.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at info@thedigitalspartans.com
Have a wonderful day!
Team The Digital Spartans